Running the analysis

To date, the available code for the analysis allows to perform:

  • a gene-level Bayesian analysis, that returns the probability of the single gene to affect the trait heritability with an higher probability than by chance
  • a genome-wide Bayesian regression, able to estimate the heritability of the trait.

Gene-level analysis

The algorithm to perform a gene-level analysis is runnable as baghera-tool gene-regression -h here is the complete list of options of the function:

usage: baghera-tool gene-heritability [-h] [--sweeps SWEEPS] [-b BURNIN]
                                    [--n-chains N_CHAINS]
                                    [--n-cores N_CORES] [-N N_1KG]
                                    [-c CHROMOSOME] [--snp-thr SNP_THR]
                                    [--sep SEP] [-m MODEL] [-f]
                                    input-snp-filename output-genes-filename
                                    output-summary-filename logger-filename

    Performs bayesian gene-level heritability analysis.
    As input it needs the annotated snps file created with generate-snps-file.

    From command line one can specify all the parameters for the sampler
    (sweeps, burnin, chains and cores) and the parameters for the SNPs
    and genes filtering.

    Specify the gamma model by passing --model gamma

positional arguments:
input-snp-filename    Data Input, use the SNPs file from dataParse
                        output file for gene-level results, use .csv
                        output file for the genomewide results summary, use
logger-filename       file for the logger, use a txt

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--sweeps SWEEPS       number of samples for each chain (default: 1000)
-b BURNIN, --burnin BURNIN
                        number of burnin samples (default: 1000)
--n-chains N_CHAINS   number of chains of the sampler (default: 4)
--n-cores N_CORES     number of parallel cores to use (default: 4)
-N N_1KG, --N-1kG N_1KG
                        number of SNPs onwhich the LD-score is calculated
                        (default: 1290028)
                        chromosome on which the analysis is run (default:
--snp-thr SNP_THR     threshold for the minimum number of SNPs in a gene
                        (default: 10)
--sep SEP             separator for the input files, use t for tab separated
                        (not ) (default: ',')
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        specify the model for the regression, one betwenn
                        normal/gamma (default: 'normal')
-f, --fix-intercept   False

From the input annotated file

1. gene_level_analysis.log : is a log file that reports the parameters of the analysis and the output results. This is just a synthesis of the analysis, not the run-time log file which can be found in the logs folder

2. summary.csv : output summary statistics of the traces. e is the intercept and mi is the regression slope (heritability), W is the variance term and herTOT is the weighted summation of the signle gene term. For each of them the principal stats are reported.

3. results.csv: is the output file, where the stats for the single gene are reported.

Results Files format

The output file results.csv is a csv file, which contains all the results for each gene. Here is the a description of the format:

  • chrom , start , stop , name : we are considering all the genes after the clustering, some of them have a composite name, and that are included in the analysis.
  • LDvariance, variance of the ld-score within the gene
  • SNPs, number of SNPs within the gene
  • StatsMax,StatsMean,StatsMin,StatsVariance, for the chi-squared statistics within the gene max, min, average and variance values
  • P, output probability
  • bg_mean, bg_var, bg_median, bg_5perc, bg_95perc, are the stats for the single gene heritability weights.
  • mi_mean, mi_median, genome-wide heritability posterior
  • h2g, weighted sum of the single gene heritability

Genome-wide Heritability

The algorithm to get the heritability estimate, performing a genomewide regression on the SNPs

usage: baghera-tool gw-heritability [-h] [--sweeps SWEEPS] [-b BURNIN]
                                    [--n-chains N_CHAINS] [--n-cores N_CORES]
                                    [-N N_1KG] [-c CHROMOSOME] [--sep SEP]
                                    [-m MODEL] [-f]
                                    input-snp-filename output-summary-filename

    Computes the genome-wide estimate heritability using Bayesian regression.

positional arguments:
input-snp-filename    Data Input, use the SNPs file from dataParse
                        output file for the genomewide results summary, use
logger-filename       file for the logger, use a txt

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--sweeps SWEEPS       number of samples for each chain (default: 1000)
-b BURNIN, --burnin BURNIN
                        number of burnin samples (default: 1000)
--n-chains N_CHAINS   number of chains of the sampler (default: 4)
--n-cores N_CORES     number of parallel cores to use (default: 4)
-N N_1KG, --N-1kG N_1KG
                        number of SNPs onwhich the LD-score is calculates
                        (default: 1290028)
                        chromosome on which the analysis is run (default:
--sep SEP             separator for the input files, use t for tab separated
                        (not ) (default: ',')
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        regression model (default: 'normal')
-f, --fix-intercept   False

As output, two files are created.

1. Log file.txt : is a log file that reports the parameters of the analysis and the output results. This is just a synthesis of the analysis, not the run-time log file which can be found in the logs folder

2. Results_file.csv : output summary statistics of the traces. e is the intercept and mi is the regression slope (heritability). For each of them the principal stats are reported.

This analysis is the bayesian version of the LDSC hertiability model.